Devshi Vankar, village leader in India imposed a ban on unmarried women and minor girls from owning a cell phones. Devshi said that any women found in violation of this ban will be fined about $30 while the person who reported the offense will receive a reward of almost $3.
Vankar also stated "Why do girls need cell phone? Internet is a waste of time and money for a middle-class community like us. Girls should better utilise their time for study and other works," he told Hindustan Times. Villagers in Suraj reportedly agreed with the decision, as cell phones were viewed as tools used by young people to leave their home without parent granting them the other to do so.
Vankar also stated "Why do girls need cell phone? Internet is a waste of time and money for a middle-class community like us. Girls should better utilise their time for study and other works," he told Hindustan Times. Villagers in Suraj reportedly agreed with the decision, as cell phones were viewed as tools used by young people to leave their home without parent granting them the other to do so.
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