Australian mother Kim Tucci who gave birth to quintuplets on January 28, 2016, just shy of 30 weeks, released a photo shoot of her surprise newborns. According to BBC, 26-year-old mother took just two minutes to give birth to her four daughters and one son, who were conceived naturally. A team of 50 doctors and nurses assisted with the planned caesarean and all of the children were born healthy. Tiffany weight 1170g Penelope weight 1160g Beatrix weight 1210g Allie weight 1200g Keith weight 1269g Mrs Tucci's story gained prominence through her Facebook page.. More photos below....
Australian mother Kim Tucci who gave birth to quintuplets on January 28, 2016, just shy of 30 weeks, released a photo shoot of her surprise newborns. According to BBC, 26-year-old mother took just two minutes to give birth to her four daughters and one son, who were conceived naturally. A team of 50 doctors and nurses assisted with the planned caesarean and all of the children were born healthy. Tiffany weight 1170g Penelope weight 1160g Beatrix weight 1210g Allie weight 1200g Keith weight 1269g Mrs Tucci's story gained prominence through her Facebook page.. More photos below....
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